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Put Yourself in Their Shoes - David's Flight from Absalom

February 11, 2024

Put Yourself in Their Shoes - David's Flight from Absalom

I've heard the saying many times, "Put yourself in their shoes".  In other words, think about what...

Nancy Hitt

Nancy Hitt

You may ask, "Why is your business called Sweeter Days Literature?" When I started to write and was thinking about publishing some of my writing, I needed a name for my business. I decided on Sweeter Days Literature because my life has gotten sweeter as the days go by, and I become closer to the Lord.

The Loyalty of Ittai

The Loyalty of Ittai

A Story of Loyalty, Courage, and Friendship

Ittai must make a life or death decision! Should he take his family to safety? Or should they all follow his friend, King David, through the wilderness to an unknown destination, facing the possibility of death for him and his family? Does he have enough faith in God to choose the harder path? This story of loyalty, courage and friendship is based in part on true events in the Bible.

Softcover: $13.99
E-book: $4.99

To order a copy of the book, email


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